About Us

Build Platinum is a South Coast NSW based design and building company that specialise in quality residential construction which is focussed on achieving a unique product.

We are passionate about seamless custom design, master craftsmanship and building efficiency. Our unique approach has earned the trust and loyalty of an ever expanding group of clients, both residential building and in the design sector.


We employ the South Coast’s best tradesmen who are clean, neat, tidy, punctual, efficient and above all honest.

Ryan Bray

Ryan Bray

Director/ Construction Manager

Previous projects range from small local renovations under $50,000 to internationally renowned Architectural homes in Kangaroo Valley – $1.25 million. Ryan has a natural flair for custom designs, high quality, neat and tidy building work  along with great knowledge of building and construction methods, costs and high quality products. Ryan manages the day to day running of the business as well as construction on site, his passion and drive to succeed is infectious, he also has an excellent rapport with clients and goes out of his way to deliver above and beyond what is expected. Ryan has 12 years of experience and a project value of up to $2 million.

Trent Bray

Trent Bray

Project Manager/ Architectural Draftsman

Previously worked for Southern Cross Constructions, Richard Crookes Constructions & Project Coordination, projects range from $5 million Education upgrades through to MRH90 Project (HMAS Albatross, Nowra) –$23 million, Audi Lighthouse (Victoria Park) – $33 million and Prominence Apartments (Zetland) – $64 million. Trent has a broad range of professional experience and knowledge – liaising with clients, consultants, subcontractors & suppliers, implementing quality and cost control while also carrying out the Architectural drafting and 3D modelling.

Corey Kilgallon

Corey Kilgallon

Leading Hand/ Carpenter

Corey joined Platinum in May 2013 after completing his apprenticeship in Adelaide. He has worked for Glen Watson in Noosa on award winning high end designs by Chris Clout for several years before returning home to the South Coast. He has been in the industry for 12 years, has a natural eye for design and is as relaxed as they come – but don’t underestimate both his intelligence and wit. His quick, sharp thinking on site keeps everyone on their toes.

Kris Pignataro

Kris Pignataro


Previously a design and colour consultant she is once again looking to develop her career with Platinum. Kris is a great people person, is very friendly and a great first face to see when people enter the office. Kris has a good handle on local real estate, a great eye for detail and excellent with new design ideas, products and trends.


Our process is about simplicity and efficiency. We listen to your needs, plans and dreams. Platinum has several options to choose from; custom residential, stock designer plans and smart investment options.


We take pride in each and every project we undertake whether design or build. Our designs have become the signature behind our branding and will continue to be backed up by our attention to detail and providing quality master built homes.